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Giant Turtle to Return

Updated: Oct 29, 2024

Update: Registration is now open for the 2024 Giant Turtle event on 10th November, please register there for updates and reminders... and to let us know how giant the turtle needs to be!

If the link above doesn't work, head over to the Events page to see where to register.

The news article that follows was about the 2023 event...


On November 12, be part of Bribie Island's biggest turtle celebration ever! Even better then the EKKA! Join with friends, family, neighbours and visitors for an afternoon of turtle fun, education and information, as we honour the imminent arrival of nesting turtles to our beaches.


Sunday 12 November 2023 Stalls, information and kids activities from noon, Welcome to Country from the PIEEC Jarjums, followed by the Giant Turtle formation 2-3pm. Be sure to register there to be part of this great event!


Come on down and learn about Bribie Island's turtles, and the things you can do to help protect them!


Your chance to meet the authors of two great Queensland children's books, "Hatch Saves the Reef and Say NO to Plastics" .... and it's just in time for Christmas!

  • Judith Stutchbury, will be reading from her brand new book "Hatch Saves the Reef", and you'll be able to take home a personally signed copy!

  • Ned & Shane Heaton will also be on-hand with activities, readings and signings of their book "Say NO to plastics".


Join in the fun from noon, with activities for the youngsters, including:

  • Be a Junior Turtle Tracker for the Day ! Learn how to find turtle tracks, study turtles, and make a report!

  • Clean up in the Sandpit Trash Challenge

  • Sort your Greens from your Loggerheads – one container at a time!

  • Grab a Turtle Treasure Map and follow the clues to some great surprises!


Unleash your cre-ATE-ivity and help raise awareness of the need to protect Bribie Island's precious sea turtles by combining two great loves!

We're here to protect turtles, so no entries will be eaten in the judging of this competition! Winners will be chosen purely on superficial looks, creativity, fun factor and of course... turtle temptation!

ENTRIES must be received at the "Giant Turtle bake-off tent" by 1pm November 12th to be eligible for the public vote.

  • Your ‘Turtle Creation’ can be a baked item, or it can be assembled from an array of fruits/vegetables

  • Junior Category (under 15)

  • Open Category (15 and over)

  • People's Choice Vote will be held at the Giant Turtle Event (this is not a tasting competition, its more about looks than substance)

  • People's Choice Winner takes home a copy of "Hatch Saves the Reef" signed by Author Judith Stutchbury, Second Place wins a signed Turtle Hatchling print by Darren Jew.

JUDGING commences at 1:15pm, with winners announced by 2pm.

Click to see some EGGsamples that will spark your imagination, so start planning!

"Penelope" the Pineapple 'n' Parsnip turtle in a sea of wobbly azure jelly. Enter the Giant Turtle Bake-off and Food Art Competition to celebrate your love of turtles!
2022's inaugural Giant Turtle was a HUGE success!

Welcome to Country from the PIEEC jarjums (Pumicestone Indigenous Education and Employment Council youngsters)

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