July Monthly BIEPA Meeting
Mon, 22 July
|Bribie RSL Club
Come to our regular gathering to hear updates on projects, ask questions, get involved, and learn about local shark research from special guest speaker Dr Bonnie J Holmes from the University of the Sunshine Coast.

When and where
22 July 2024, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Bribie RSL Club, 99 Toorbul St, Bongaree QLD 4507, Australia
About the event
After a welcome and some updates since the last meeting, we will hear from our guest speaker Dr Bonnie J. Holmes from University of the Sunshine Coast, on the topic of her bull shark research.
After an essential break for tea and biscuits, we'll have a few short talks from other members before heading home or mingling at the bar. Take this opportunity to meet your fellow BIEPA members and find out how you can help BIEPA achieve its mission.
Important: If you are a BIEPA member and would like to give a short talk, please contact the management committee well in advance (at least two weeks) so we can plan for time and prepare slides to support your talk. We have less than 45 minutes in total for all talks by members, so please respect other members' time by keeping your talks relevant and succinct. To continue discussion, please encourage members to join a separate meeting dedicated to the topic of your talk.