Website Help
How to login
Desktop: Click the Log In link in the top right-hand corner of every page.
Mobile: Tap the menu button (three horizontal bars at the top of the screen) and tap Log In.
On the login form, enter the email address and password you used to join BIEPA on the Join Us page.
If you can't remember your login details, use the "Forgot password?" link to get an email with a button to reset your password.
Why do I need to login?
Some pages of the website are only available to BIEPA members. By logging in you're telling the website who you are so that it knows which pages you should see.

Please don't sign up again or you will have multiple memberships!
Manage your membership
Desktop: Click the down-arrow next to the profile icon in the top-right corner of every page.
Mobile: Tap the menu button (three bars) then tap the profile icon at the top of the menu.
From this profile menu you can manage your membership, your contact details, the events you've registered for, the blog posts you've written, and other members-only information.