You can get involved in helping BIEPA to protect the flora and fauna of Bribie Island by collecting empty bottles and cans from your neighbours, then taking them to the Containers for Change (C4C) depot and donating the proceeds to BIEPA.

How does it work?
This approach has been very successful in a Bribie neighbourhood:
Ask your neighbours if they're willing to help, and get their email addresses.
Provide them with big boxes they can use to collect containers.
Ask them to drop off the boxes with you when they're full.
Sort containers into glass, plastic, metal and count each kind.
Take them to the bulk drop-off at the depot when you have enough.
Donate the proceeds to BIEPA by giving a scheme ID - see below.
Return clean, empty boxes to your neighbours.
Forward the receipt to them when it arrives as an email.
There are two scheme IDs you can use in step 6:
our BIEPA scheme ID, which is C10516350; or
your own scheme ID, which you get by creating your own C4C account.
If you use ours, all the donations a mixed together on our account, so it can be tricky to keep track of which ones came from you. If you use your own, all your donations are listed on your account so it's easy to keep track of your contribution. In either case, the funds end up with BIEPA. More on each option below.
The Fundraise page on the C4C website has more details on how these fundraising schemes work.
Using our scheme ID
If you forget our scheme ID, just ask the staff at the depot for their list of local charities. They'll also be happy to show you how to donate to our scheme.

We'll get a receipt like this emailed to us, which we'll forward to you if you let us know the date and approximate time of your donation:

Using your own scheme ID
Alternatively you can create an account on the C4C website and get your own scheme ID. Make sure you set donation to BIEPA as your default payment option.
Use your scheme ID instead of the BIEPA one when dropping off containers at the depot. This will record all your donations on your account, and the receipts will be emailed directly to you. The funds will still go to BIEPA.
Home collection
C4C recently introduced their Container Collect service on Bribie Island. If you have at least 100 eligible containers, you can book a collection where they come to your home to pick them up.
Checking eligible containers

The depot will only accept containers that have the 10c refund notice on them, so make sure they're all eligible before taking them to the depot.
If you're unsure about a container, you can use the Containers for Change app to scan the barcode to check it's eligible.
😀 Thanks for your help!
We were at a Xmas “do” in our street and when we mentioned the C4C scheme and how it would benefit BIEPA seven of our neighbours said “count me in “. One said “on the proviso you don’t divulge how much booze is getting imbibed at our place”. We promised total confidentiality and so a win win arrangement was begun.
When their empty bottle collection containers were full they would drop them at our place and when we had a car load (usually about once a fortnight) we would head to C4C. Don’t know whether they thought we were drinking them all ourselves but if so they are very discreet.
We would simplify matters by removing all bottle tops and…