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The Depot: a Home for BIEPA

Over the years, most BIEPA members have probably had but a vague idea of what assets the association holds and where they are. For those years since 1978, the gear was held in the garages, sheds, spare cupboards etc. of most probably, the members of the Management Committee. Many activities, particularly significant ones, required the owners of the storage locations to be the ones who also prepared, delivered, packed up and returned the gear.

Glenda and my garage, over time, became the repository of the bulk of the gear-equipment, book stocks, sale items, tents, archives, brochures and more. Folks over time, had, like us, collected, monitored, cleaned, etc. these assets.

A Home for BIEPA has been an ongoing search for a long time. There have been only a few possible locations for a “home” examined over time. One site that recently appeared, (but was quickly allocated), is the former Girl Guides Hut in Webster St, Bongaree. BIEPA was not successful in acquiring these premises, but the leadership of the group that did take it over, noted our need for storage after an afternoon chat about the three buildings on site. East Pumicestone Community Support Association were generous in offering us the use of a medium sized shipping container on the property. After a visit, it was seen to be a viable possible solution for our storage needs.

Myself and BIEPA pal Doug Parrington, set about cleaning, de-rusting, waterproofing, painting and furnishing from mostly scrounged and found items. Padlock and keys were acquired and a coded key safe fitted on the exterior so that all members who need access could do so.

BIEPA’s assets, sales items and possessions are now safe, dry, organised, labelled and accessible. Importantly: all members may utilise our growing inventory of gear accessible at “The Depot”.

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What a fabulous job Geoff and Doug, you've created a fabulous resource! I do so hope its the start of an 'infrastructure phase' for BIEPA..😘.



Bravo Geoff & Doug & a big Thankyou.............



My goodness,what a great job you guys have done. Kudos to you all and now you can use your home storage for yourselves again! Finally some proper storage, long time coming , but your persistence has paid off.

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