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Help us protect the natural wonders of Bribie Island

© 2016 Grip-N-Rip PHOTOGRAPHY

BIEPA respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of these coastal lands of the Kabi Kabi and Joondoburri peoples.

BIEPA pays respects to Elders and Ancestors past, present, and future for their wisdom and enduring care for Country.

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What We Do

Habitat Protection

We run projects to protect, restore, and maintain habitat for native species on Bribie Island. This includes removing exotic weeds and animals, clearing marine debris, and campaigning for better management of traffic on our Pacific beaches.

Wildlife Warriors

We monitor wildlife and work with local authorities to ensure native species, such as loggerhead turtles and migratory shorebirds, are able to flourish on Bribie Island and surrounding areas.

Community Outreach

We keep locals informed about the unique ecosystems on the island and mobilise our members to get involved in our mission teams. We aim to work in partnership with business and government to get better outcomes for nature on Bribie Island.


Monthly Meetings


Wildflower Walks


Proactive Projects

Want to get involved?

We've organised BIEPA into a set of Mission Teams, each focused on one aspect of our overall mission, which aims to realise our vision:


Bribie, an island sanctuary where life flourishes.


If you want to help — without getting overwhelmed — join one of our Missions Teams and see if there are any projects you'd like to help with.

Each project usually has a number of small tasks you can take on.

Or maybe you can chip in to help fund our projects.

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