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Pelican lovers, get your snapping gear on this Sunday!

Updated: Jul 8, 2023

Where will Bribie Pelicans be seen this Sunday 9 July? (Photo by May Britton)

There's often discussion on Bribie about our iconic pelicans... where they are and what they're up to... On Sunday July 9, whether you're on Bribie or in the surrounds, let's make a snapshot of where our pelicans are at. Get out and about and record your sightings by snapping a picture and sharing it on the iNaturalist app ... its as easy as that!

This Sunday is a great day for our first pelican snap-shot survey, as it coincides with the Bribie Winter Biobiltz – so any observations will also feed into our community-wide biodiversity survey project. If you need to get familiar with the iNaturalist app, the Bioblitz Team are taking over the regular BIEPA Market stall on Sunday morning, so pop in there any time 6:30-12:00noon on Sunday for some tips on how to make things happen! See you there! ADDED: IMPORTANT NEWS FLASH: 8/7/2023 Wildlife rescuer Christine Wilson has a favour to ask from everyone doing the BioBlitz on Sunday: please keep an eye out for a pelican with a fishing hook in the side of it's beak and fishing line tangled around one wing, probably looking a bit poorly and hungry.

If you see this pelican, please call Christine straight away on: 0412 021 032

A reminder that our "resident" pelicans are actually migratory... many have spent the last few years making the most of the back-to-back wet periods in the nesting grounds out around the lakes of Central Australia.

Just this week there have been a few pelicans back spending some time around the Bribie Bridge, and social media's community pages are filled with giant wingspans and wide mouths., If you're a pelican lover, join in and use this Sunday's Bribie Bioblitz to contribute to a snap-shot of our pelican's habits and favourite roosts, both on the island and throughout the surrounds. (Photo by Darren Jew)

Time flies, as do pelicans! It's 4 years since the community pulled together in a show of support for a pelican-friendly Bribie Bridge. Click through to the ABC story. (Photo: ABC News)

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Unknown member
Jul 07, 2023

Wildlife rescuer Christine Wilson has a favour to ask from everyone doing the BioBlitz on Sunday: please keep an eye out for a pelican with a fishing hook in the side of it's beak and fishing line tangled around one wing, probably looking a bit poorly and hungry.

If you see this pelican, please call Christine straight away on: 0412 021 032

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